QUICK Stress Relief

As life gets busier, our body fights harder and harder to keep things regulated. Stress has a massive impact on our bodies, as most of us know. Ask anyone how they are and they’ll answer BUSY. It has become an unfortunate part of life, and can really ramp up as we head towards Christmas and New Year.

Of course, there are some wonderful herbs, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes available to help you deal better with your stress. So if you are feeling it, make sure you book an appointment with me. Long term stress is no joke!

But, for those of you dealing with short term stress, or wanting some simple methods to cope moment to moment, try these five minute calm inducing techniques:

1.Breathing Exercises

Stress relief breathing is one of the most popular ways of calming down quickly for good reason: breathing exercises can be done by anyone, at any time, with little training, and at no expense! Breathing exercises can also be combined with other stress relief techniques (such as guided imagery or meditation) for added benefits and ease of use.

You can YouTube these, or simple try breathing in through the nose for four counts and out through the nose for four counts, for two to five minutes (set a timer).

2. Mini-Meditation

Meditation is gaining status as a stress management mainstay because it brings so many wonderful benefits, including (after consistent practice) resilience against future stressors! Many people shy away from learning meditation because they think they don't have the ability to learn the technique or the time to practice regularly. Actually, meditation can be very simple to learn, and even 5 minutes of meditation can make a difference.

Again, use YouTube to find simple five minute guided meditations, or simply sit looking at nature (waves, trees, your garden) for two to five minutes and breath, practice being present but don’t stress if your mind is still whirring! The purpose of meditation is not to completely shut off the mind.

3. Aromatherapy

As far as ease of use goes, aromatherapy is about as easy as they come! Studies show that certain types of aromatherapy can be effective for stress relief, and once you have the aromatherapy going, it's passive stress relief—you don't have to do anything except go about your regular activities as you normally would! (Combining techniques can provide added stress relief, but isn't necessary.)

Invest in some good quality lavender or chamomile, dilute with a carrier oil like almond, and dab on your temples and wrists for an instant calming sensation.

4. Quick Burst of Exercise

Exercise is an excellent stress relief technique because it's great for your whole body and brings physical benefits other than those experienced because of a reversed stress response. Exercise can provide a distraction, endorphins and an outlet for frustration.

Unfortunately, it's not always practical as a 'quick' stress reliever, as the full benefits of exercise are often not achieved until sustained exercise has occurred, and that can leave you sweaty; therefore, you may not use it in a class or at the office! However, in situations where it can work, even a quick burst of exercise (like a quick run up several flights of stairs, or several sets of push-ups) can be useful for stress relief. Or a dance around the room!

5. Have a Good Laugh

Maintaining a sense of humour can relieve stress in several ways. First, there are specific benefits that you get from laughter that can help you relieve stress and even stay healthier in your life. Also, laughter connects people, and social support is good for stress relief. More, it's hard to stay stressed when you're laughing. And maintaining a sense of humour reminds us that our stressors may not be as menacing as they seem, and probably have solutions, too. For these reasons, laughing in the face of stress can help you feel better in a matter of minutes.

I love watching silly YouTube videos, or looking up memes for this, or having a giggle with my daughter.

I have a Rescue Remedy available in my online store here which is also a great option for quick and easy stress relief!