Why Meal Prep?

I am a big supporter of meal prep. You don't have to be an athlete to partake either or on one of those thirty day challenges, it simply saves heaps of time in the week when you normally have little to spare. I know it seems like an arduous task, but it's importance in achieving your goals really can't be underestimated.

It takes the pressure off deciding day by day what to consume and withdraws the temptation of mid-week exhaustion getting in the way of good food choices. Eating whole foods mostly does require planning to, trips to farmers markets or ordering fruit and vegetables all need to be done in advance. So this is just an added step that day to day will keep you on track, less stressed and eating well.

The key to getting ahead with meal prep is to have a few staple foods that you can batch-cook and use in a number of different ways. If you really don't have the time, opt for tinned fish or beans, salads, raw veggies (think carrot sticks, cucumber, avocado, tomatoes, capsicums), fruit and nuts, which take zero time to throw in containers.

Taking that extra time to prepare for the week ahead and you'll be rewarded with:

Better Nutrition

Having your meals on hand during the day means you don't have to go to the local cafe for food or race to the supermarket after work, potentially making poor food choices.

Regulated Metabolism

You'll be prepared at snack time when hunger strikes with something nourishing, so you can feed your body regularly and keep you metabolism humming.

More Cash

Another major advantage of planning and prepping your meals: saving money. Skip the $15 a day you spend on buying lunch at work and you'll pocket $75 a week!

Here are our top five suggestions to make meal prep a breeze:

1.Invest in plenty of environmentally friendly storage containers, food wraps and reusable cutlery.

This is the key to being organised! Glass or metal containers in all shapes and sizes, beeswax wraps and even reusable sappy bags are your new best friend. Make sure you have enough for the week. Invest in something good for you AND the environment, try floraandfauna.com.au or even your local Scoop store for alternatives.

2. Cook in large batches and freeze or refrigerate for meals during the week

Sunday cook-ups can be great, but if you don’t have time, why not cook a big curry or stir-fry for dinner on Monday, then you can use the leftovers for lunches through the week? Or prepare a large chia pudding and scoop out for breakfasts, adding some fresh fruit each morning? Simple things like this mean that your meals are at least half done and you don’t have to think!

3. Plan ahead to reduce waste and keep meals interesting

Meal planners are great tool to keep you on track - try some recipes from my new book and maybe add a new recipe in each week amongst your go-tos.

4. Make a shopping list and stick to it

Base this off you meal planner. Why not head to farmers markets or order online from a fruit and vegetable supplier in your area? Places like Doorstep Organics also supply groceries, so you can avoid the supermarket!

5. Get the whole family involved in the prep

Kids can have fun making bliss balls or other healthy snacks for school, parents can be prepping the weekly meals and everyone can bond in the kitchen! Learning to cook is a great way to give everyone responsibility and something to look forward to.

What are your best meal prep suggestions?

Struggling to know what to eat? Don’t know how to meal plan? Make an appointment with Mel now and have a meal plan done for you and your goals.