Cleansing & Detoxing From The Fires

We have been faced with some crazy bushfires here in NSW Australia as summer has begun. We have all been encouraged to stay indoors on the days that the air quality dipped lower than ever before. Some heeded these warnings. Some individuals fled to less smoky environments. And, some attempted to cover their faces with a cloths or mask. It’s pretty impossible to avoid and unfortunately, if you were here when the fires began, you were most likely exposed. 

The concern with the exposure isn’t so much getting a large fleck of ash in your eye. Yes, smoke exposure can lead to uncomfortable symptoms like irritated sinuses, eye irritation, and shortness of breath. However, the real concern is the fine particles.

In a recent article, it’s the, “particulate matter that's 2.5 microns or less in diameter — that are the biggest health hazard. They're so small you can't see them.”

Here are nine ways to detox your lungs after wildfire smoke inhalation:

1. Water. Drink LOTS of Water

Drink water. Drink LOTS of water. You’ve probably heard it hundreds of times before. Unfortunately, the vast majority of individuals are dehydrated. This is particularly an issue when you’re trying to detox after the harmful effects of fire.

Wildfire smoke inhalation causes microscopic particles to get trapped in your lungs. They can get into your bloodstream. And, they can travel throughout your body contaminate other organs.

Water helps flush these particles from your system. Also, drinking hot liquids can stimulate mucous and saliva, helping to eradicate contaminants.

2. Drink Hot Liquids

When there is a decrease in air quality, it can cause the cilium (filament that covers cells) to stop moving. Hot liquids can encourage the cilium to start moving again. This can promote the movement (and removal) of mucous and saliva, which often contains high levels of contaminants.

Bonus Tip: A good ‘hot liquid’ drink can be made by steeping Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root in hot water. These two herbs support, moisten, and relax the fragile tissues in your mouth, throat, and lungs.

3. Use a Saline Nasal Spray

It’s easy for smoke exposure to cause irritated sinuses, irritation to the eyes, and shortness of breath. A saline nasal spray can help you moisten and soothe the inside of your nose. This can promote the expulsion of foreign matter and provide immediate relief.

4. Rinse Sinus with a Neti Pot

In short – a neti pot allows you to perform a thorough, natural nasal rinse. It helps you remove foreign substances. When you’re exposed to smoke, pollutants can easily get trapped in your nasal passage. If allowed to remain, they can easily travel to the lungs and cause additional issues.

Generally, rinsing with a neti pot can reduce congestion and improve symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and dry nasal passages.

5. Breathe Steam with Thyme

Breathing a steam, rich with thyme, can help expel foreign substances, clear passageways, and reduce the irritation level of your sinuses. The simplest way to create thyme-filled steam is to add 1 – 2 TBS of thyme to a large bowl. Pour in boiling water. Lower your head so it’s inches from the hot water. Cover head and bowl with a large towel, trapping steam under the towel. Breathe deeply for 1 – 2 minutes. Repeat as needed.

6. Load Your Diet with Ginger

Ginger is another fabulous, natural detoxifier. Not only does it contain chemical compounds that help the lungs function, ginger improves blood circulation. Plus, ginger is downright delicious.

It’s great in stir-fries, dressings, and marinades. Ginger can also be sliced and steeped in hot water to make a ginger tea. You may want to add a little lemon juice and honey to temper the flavour, as it can be very intense.

8. Up Your Vitamin C

Another natural antioxidant is Vitamin C. Consider adding vitamin C rich foods to your diet or getting a good quality supplement (ask me for a recommendation).

Take care and look after yourselves out there! If you need further support, please do make an appointment with me, as other herbs and supplements may help too.