The Wellness Trends For 2019 #1

And our take on them!

It’s always good to know what is going on in the wider wellness world and why some of the trends have become so popular. You may have read about some of these online or in health and wellness magazines. These are adapted from the Healthline website.

It’s important to keep in mind when reading and hearing about health trends that just because they are popular does not mean they are good for you in particular. If you have any questions about these or want to try something safely, always come and have a chat to me or your wellness professional first.


Well if you have been following me at all, you will know that I am well aware of the importance of gut health!

This trend is suggesting a shift from simply taking a probiotic tablet to more focus on functional gut healing foods, which is exactly why I wrote The Gut Blueprint!

These functional foods can help to balance the micro-biome in your gut, which means adding beneficial bacteria in. You may have seen our last blog about kombucha, explaining how this fermented drink works to restore gut health.


A number of health experts believe that 2019 is the year of the plant protein. Health, environmental, and ethical concerns may cause more people to eat less animal proteins or switch to plant-centered diets.

Apparently recent food trends have increased the consumption of avocado, kale, and quinoa and this year, dandelion greens, rainbow carrots, beets, and amaranth will all become more popular.

I love the addition of superfoods into our day-to-day diets and most certainly we need to start becoming more aware of where our protein is coming from and how we can move forward more sustainably.

Just be careful with upping your soy intake! Read my blog for more info on that here.


According to Healthline,  intermittent fasting will become more popular this year.

Benefits are that it’s easy to follow and it doesn’t require restriction of any specific foods, so it will not hinder your ability to eat away from home.

Some studies have shown positive weight maintenance results. Beware, though, because fasting can impact hormones.

Please come and chat to me if this is something you are considering taking on - You can book an appointment here.


This eating plan was in the spotlight in 2018 and that will continue in 2019, but please use caution.

Manipulating a state of ketosis is not recommended without the supervision of a health professional. It can be useful if used for a chronic condition and for a set time, but not recommended for a long term use.

For weight loss and management, high-fat diets do not solely increase overall fat burn. ALL of the macronutrients are needed (this means both carbs and fats) for optimal weight management.

You can read my thoughts about keto here.

TBC - Part two coming next week!