How to Be Realistic With Your New Year’s Resolutions

If you’ve made and then failed to deliver on wellness-focused New Year’s resolutions in the past, it’s possible you accidentally bit off more than you could chew. Perhaps you resolved to “lose 10 kilos” or “stress less” — which are vague on how to execute at best and totally intimidating at worst.

So how can you brush those defeats off and try again this year? By focusing instead on some small changes that are actually attainable. You could start with our suggestions in the previous blog here.

To avoid failure before the month of January has passed, start with one goal. Being overwhelmed makes us resistant to change. Instead, focus on one teeny-tiny goal, the ability to have quick victories with less overwhelming moments becomes an instant win.

The more little wins you have equates to higher confidence — and confidence is what enables us to believe we are able to change. After choosing your little change, try writing down three reasons why this change will have a positive impact in your life, which will help to reinforce your why for moments when you aren’t feeling so motivated.

Here are five simple things you can do to stay true to your 2019 resolutions, that are both achievable and will make an immediate impact on your life:

1. Bedtime Gratitude

One small habit you can add to your life to immediately improve your well-being is taking a moment before bed to think of five things you are grateful for today. Research has shown that this practice leads to improved mood, happiness and even better physical health. The five things can be anything that comes to mind, as significant as your family, your friends or your health, and as trivial as what you had for lunch. Just getting in the habit of appreciating what you have will do a lot for your well-being.

2. Slow Down

Constantly feel like you’re a chicken running around with its head cut off? One of the best habits you can begin to practice is the art of slowing down. It’s the habit that will make all other habits you want to change finally fall into place.

Implementing slowing down as part of your daily life isn’t an overnight habit change — you have to switch from operating on autopilot. To begin the practice of slowing down, set an alarm on your phone to go off at certain times for your personal check-in. Take a five-minute break to be present. That might be as simple as staring out the window, journaling about your day or taking a walk around the block to clear your mind.

3. Stress Less, Sleep Better

If you deal with stress and anxiety, combating your stress throughout the day should lead to better quality sleep at night, as well. Stress wreaks havoc on the system causing many imbalances, so finding ways to calm your nervous system daily are important for your overall well-being.

Try 10 minutes of daily seated meditation or 20 minutes of a gentle moving mediation daily, such as a nice walk outside.

4. Tap the Power of Positive Peer Pressure

If you’re trying to accomplish a monumental achievement, you’ll have a better chance of sticking to it if you talk about it. Feeling accountable to others and getting the support of friends and family greatly increases your chance at success.

Tell your family, friends and coworkers. Shout it from the rooftops and invite people to help you on your journey. Find a loyal gym buddy or an encouraging healthy eating partner. Your own personal team of supporters will come in handy when you find yourself struggling or experiencing a moment of weakness.

If you’re more of a private person, there are still ways to get support from others without asking your desk partner to snack on carrots with you. There are countless online support groups, programs and even apps for your phone, that can help you stay on track whatever your goal may be.

5. Pile on the Positive

New Year’s resolutions don’t always have to be about cutting out unhealthy behaviours. Try adding something to your life rather than taking something away. Instead of vowing to never eat chocolate again, plan to add something healthy in (see our previous blog for inspo).

If you do decide to completely give up one of your vices, be sure you have a game plan in place that will help you stick to your goal when temptation comes knocking, or when your body starts to fight back. I can help you with this!

If you’re giving up or even cutting back on caffeine it can be tough on your body at first, bringing on symptoms of withdrawal like headaches and irritability. But be patient! It’s completely possible to combat fatigue in the morning and throughout the day without caffeine by doing simple things like staying hydrated, practicing stimulating breathing techniques and exercising.

Happy New Year from the whole MG Herbs team xox

See you in 2019!