Treat Seasonal Sniffles Naturally

Wintery days are finally here! After a beautiful, long stretch of Summer those dark mornings and chilly evenings have definitely snuck up on us the last few weeks.

For those of us who suffer with hay fever, this seasonal change can symbolise a time of apprehension as we prepare for the increase in pollen, wind and drastic temperature changes.

Why does hay fever occur?

Hay fever is often seen as a reflection of the change in seasons that occurs during the transition from winter through to spring. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen released primarily by grasses, but can also be triggered by pollen released from trees.

Pollen particles contain a protein that causes inflammation, irritation and swelling of the nasal passages, but can also affect the eyes and the throat. The pollen (the allergen) causes the release of a substance known as an inflammatory mediator called histamine. It is the histamine that influences the symptoms of ‘hay fever’ in the body.

The symptoms of hay fever can often be split into two categories:

1.Sinus congestion, watery eyes, copious mucus, itchy nose

2. Red eyes, itchy eyes, inflamed nose and mucus membranes, headache

These are a reflection of our current state of health. Those of us who are more prone to mucus accumulations will tend to suffer more from runny eyes and nose. Those who perhaps have a greater tendency towards hot, irritated and itching skin conditions will suffer more from itching and red eyes, ears and throat.

Luckily, help is at hand with some of nature’s finest herbs, in our signatire

Our Hayfever & Sinus Tonic!

  • Hayfever tonic works with your immune system to stop over reactions to everyday stimuli that may be causing your symptoms.

  • This mix is made specifically for the upper respiratory tract symptoms such as mucous congestion in the sinuses, pressure in the face, headaches, runny nose, sneezing and post nasal drip.

  • Horseradish will dry up excess mucous while elder treats clears mucous congestion in the sinuses.

  • Albizia will modulate the immune system in its response to everyday stimulants, reducing the overreaction that causes allergic symptoms and hay fever.

  • It is perfect for snotty noses, blocked sinuses, itchy eyes and allergies in general. 

    Here are some other simple tips to help:

  • For 3-5 days drink plenty of hot water with grated fresh ginger or honey, this will help to digest toxins and regulate digestion.

  • Favour foods that are warm and nourishing but easy to digest such as soups, grains and leafy green vegetables.

  • Avoid substances which are mucus producing such as dairy products and sugar.

  • Avoid cold foods such as salads and iced water. These reduce digestive capacity and can create stagnation.

And of course, make an appointment with me to understand your symptoms and how we can help prevent this allergy response in the future!