Why Drink Alkaline Water?

Like any health trend, it’s always important to see whether it’s worth following and investing your precious time and money into.

Ensuring that you are consuming the right water (and enough) is one of the most important things you can do for your health, thus switching to alkaline water is something to definitely consider.

Water is required for every biological function of the body – circulation, assimilation, digestion, elimination, temperature control and even thought. Our body is made up of 75% water and our brain is 91%, so by drinking water we replenish the water lost on a daily basis.

Without water, even the best vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed or made available for cellular processes and proper bodily function. We need water as much as we need air. Yet it is easy to forget how completely we depend on it.

Here are our favourite health benefits from drinking alkaline water, courtesy of Zazen:

1. Enables cellular hydration for peak performance

Alkaline Water must contain a balanced range of electrolyte minerals, which are essential for re-hydration. An electrolyte is simply an alkaline mineral – or mineral salt. The key electrolyte minerals are Sodium, Potassium and Chloride (not chlorine!), and their job is to keep the amount of water in the body in balance, carry impulses along the nerves, helps make the muscles contract and relax and keep the body from becoming too acidic or alkaline.

2. Restores pH balance to the body

The second point we make in drinking alkaline water is as the water reaches the stomach the alkaline water helps stimulate the stomach to release hydrochloric acid – which is good, this then stimulates the body to release bicarbonate buffers into the bloodstream (to balance the acid in the stomach otherwise there would be holes burnt through the stomach lining). These bicarbonate or alkaline buffers naturally released by the body, also help aid in reducing the toxin or acid load in the blood etc. again assisting to create a healthier, more alkaline state.

3. Eliminates toxins in the body and helps to prevent disease.

As mentioned in the earlier points, when we are properly hydrated at a cellular level the body can flush out toxins that are stored in our cells. Disease and illnesses occur in the body from a high acidic diet and a lack of proper nutrition and water. 

4. Improves performance and focus

Without adequate hydration the brain cannot function properly, cannot focus, cannot concentrate and cannot remember. The human body manifests dehydration by a series of symptoms and signs, perceptive symptoms of dehydration — in other words, brain senses dehydration, or tiredness when you haven’t done a good day’s work, or first thing in the morning when you want to get up out of bed and you’re tired, if you can’t get up, that is a sign of dehydration. Then anger, quick reaction, depression, these are all signs of dehydration, when the brain has very little energy from hydroelectricity to cope with the information or take action.

5. Allows a better quality sleep

One of the main reasons why people toss and turn all night is because they are dehydrated. Drinking water throughout the day replenishes the water your body loses through sweat, urination and bowel movements. If you are thirsty at night, it means your body needs water and you should not put it off until the morning. 

A general rule of thumb for how much water you should drink throughout the day is 1 litre of water for every 25kgs of body weight. If you are exercising, drinking soft drinks or alcohol, tea or coffee or are ill, you need to drink more as the body’s water need is much higher.

GOOD NEWS IF YOU WANT TO CONVERT TO ALKALINE WATER AT HOME - We are now stocking the amazing Zazen Alkaline Water Systems!

Invest in yours and your family’s wellness today. Click here for more info and to purchase.